Guinea Pigs from Kindifarm come in all shapes, sizes and hair-dos! They are also very friendly, and used to being held by kids. Here’s just a few.
Long-haired Guinea PigShort-haired Guinea Pigsomewhere in between!
Interesting facts about guinea pigs:
Did you know that guinea pigs aren’t really pigs and don’t come from Guinea? They are rodents that originated in South America.
Their Latin name “Cavia porcellus” means “Little Pig”. They are also called cavies.
They are very social, chatty animals and live in ‘herds’ in the wild.
They live between 7 and 9 years. The oldest guinea pig was 15 years old and is in the Guiness book of records.
Guinea pigs have 4 toes on the forefoot and 3 on the hind foot.
Just like pigs, a male guinea pig is called a boar and female is called a sow.
A young guinea pig can run when they are only three hours old.
Guinea Pigs are herbivores and require fresh vegetables and grasses daily
They need plenty of roughage to file down their continually-growing teeth.
There are many different breeds of guinea pig such as American, Abyssinian, Silkie and Peruvian. Breeds are mostly differentiated by their coat colours, lengths and smoothness.