
Elementor #3122

Kindifarm provides a range of educational and fun-filled visits for children and adults to enjoy. Click on these links to find out pricing and information for:


Child Care Centres

Vacation Care


Aged Care Centres

Shopping Centres

Fundraising Fetes

Birthday Parties


Film, TV and Photo shoots

We are happy to tailor our service to suit your needs. We’d love to hear your ideas!

A Kindifarm visit has many benefits. It is a great introduction to animals for small children. It is a wonderful opportunity for children of all ages to learn and practice empathy.

The most successful business leaders, teachers, and parents are skilled at placing themselves in another person’s shoes and seeing things from their perspective. Empathy is an important skill for building and maintaining successful relationships, and can be learned, developed and improved.

Children have a natural curiosity and enjoyment of animals. Allowing children to interact with animals is a great lesson in the benefits of extending kindness to others. Bottle feeding a baby lamb and watching its’ tail wiggle with happiness. Holding a baby chicken gently and feeling it relax quietly in the warmth of a hand. These experiences show children that animals enjoy and require the same care and consideration as we do. Children learn that positive actions build happier relationships. Teaching kindness to animals is the first step in cementing the deeply rewarding, lifelong legacy of empathy.

Children tend to pick up this lesson surprisingly fast, even in the most ordinary circumstances. Not long ago I watched a mother stop her young son from kicking over ant’s hills, explaining to him that they were little homes. She told him that it would take days for the ants to rebuild it. He looked up in horror, crouched to the ground and proceeded to scoop together bits of dirt with his hands in an attempt to restore the scattered ruins. The lesson was learned in an instant and revealed a level of empathy that was already there but required a gentle nudge.

Kindifarm has a range of animals children may have previously only seen on TV. Children are shown the correct way to hold and feed animals in a safe and controlled environment. The experiences are not only enjoyable, but nurture some of the most rewarding lifetime gains.